The hull design ensures a comfortable and safe ride for crew and passengers alike. Specific design features have also given the QRV-950 excellent stability at rest even though the bags are not in the water.With the outboard drive system there is ample space for working on passengers.
All systems and equipment on board have been designed and selected for a long service life.
High speed innovative proven hull design with system matched power plant and drive units to achieve optimum performance.
The stability of the vessel is designed into the hull. In the unlikely event of a tube section deflating the vessel is still operational even in heavy sea conditions giving a built-in safety margin not offered by craft that are reliant on tubes for stability.
QRV-950 designed to withstand some of the harshest sea conditions in the World.
Quality and Reliability
All processes throughout construction are quality controlled by in- house quality assurance systems, and also surveyed throughout construction and at completion by independent survey company
All welding personnel are certified and all staff are trained on site to work to high standards in Aluminum fabrication and construction. Our team of highly skilled engineers is focused on quality thus delivering superior products.
Crew Comfort
Air conditioning/Heating (to applicable models)
Soft riding
Ergonomic layout and design
Ample grab rails
Shock absorbing suspension seats.
Excellent visibility
Innovative Design and Construction
All Aluminium plate used is 5083 top marine grade giving a long service life without the loss of hull performance over time due to distortion in the hull structure and plating. The high tensile marine grade of plate also gives the best anti-corrosive properties. This in conjunction with immensely strong and innovative design and construction methods, allows to expect a hull service life of 25-30 years
When at rest the tube position is approximately 100mm above the water line. This allows for the hull to run efficiently (no drag), also provides a softer ride and superior turning capabilities. This feature also allows for the deck of the vessel to be raised to enable scuppers to work effectively.
The robust tube attachment system allows for ease of removal or replacement of tubes.
The inflatable tubes provide reserve buoyancy in extreme sea conditions, when the boat heels in a turn and also provides the fender system.